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How ketamine therapy are proving to be beneficial for mentally depressed patients

There are many ways of treating depression. One of the widely used and effective methods of treatment is Ketamine therapy.  To understand about this therapy, it is necessary to understand what Ketamine is and how it works. Ketamine is an anesthetic used in operating rooms. Now with time science has developed much and the use of Ketamine is also done in the treatment of depression. It has become the biggest discovery in the treatment of mental health over the years.

ketamine therapy

Ketamine therapy is rapid-acting treatment for stubborn and treatment-resistant depression. Patients of depression who have been observed with less or partial response due to multiple anti-depressants can be given this therapy for rapid response. Sometimes the patients show response within two to four hours post-infusion. The benefits of the therapy can be understood with the mechanism it works. Ketamine changes the activity of glutamate. It is a brain chemical which is essential for stimulating the growth of new brain connections. Ketamine therapy also helps in release of other molecules which supports brain cells to communicate with each other.


Some patients who are facing depression and other mental issues have reported that they feel some improvement within one or two hours of the first infusion. While most patients noticed changes and felt good after the second or third infusion. As compared to any other therapeutic benefits, ketamine therapy is having rapid and faster effects.

· To understand the benefits of Ketamine therapy one should understand how the brain works. The work is of specific group of cells in brains known as NMDA receptors. These receptors interrelate with neurotransmitters to rev up the neurons.

· Ketamine therapy works directly on the brain and blocks the NMDA receptor signals. New pathways and synapses are created which supports in healing past injury or illness.

· The other benefit of having ketamine therapy is reduced dependence on narcotic painkillers. Thus, tolerance and complications which arise due to usage of long term narcotic use is reduced.

· The patients, who are suffering from chronic pain, also get better option with Ketamine therapy rather than trusting traditional treatments.

· Also ketamine therapy works very quickly as compared to other treatment methods. It should be properly used for treatment of depression when the symptoms are noticed. When patients take antidepressants, it requires several weeks to start work and normalize the things however ketamine therapy shows positive impacts within few hours of taking it.

· Also Ketamine therapy has considerable effect on breathing rate or blood pressure.

Since depression is a major mental health issue, it requires getting treatment from the best therapist for depression in Delhi. One should search for the best therapist to get better and positive results. For this, it required to explore some of the best one through online platforms and looking at the reviews given by the earlier patients. The therapist should also have center which can support the patients 24x7 under the expert’s supervision. These therapists should work towards betterment of patients.

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